
Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that tells a story with just three little lines. There’s lots of rules, which I won’t go into here. I hope you enjoy them.

roosters call

competing for pride of place

amongst the hens

a book of haiku

and a chair on the porch

sweet tea and pipe smoke

my second self

on the surface of the lake

tells me to hush

the magnolia tree

once vibrant with nature’s hues

now gone to brown

crescent shapes of light

in the shadow of the sun

a texas eclipse

pale brown mountains
rise up from a deep green sea
sailboats and sunlight

ancient rituals
of a people long dead
brings them back to us

carrying north men
the ancient boat plies the waves
flaming red hair

mountains rise to reach
an ancient people of lore
the celts embrace me

of the ocean waves
salt and spray release me
time out of time

naked and free
in the standing stone circle
ancestors gather

of sunlight and sorrow
and a blue green tide
of a steadfast people

the cock crows morning
waking those within hearing
a new day for all

we are all one people

thunder and lightning
the beauty of a spring storm
wash everything clean

wildness in the woods
red bellied woodpeckers are
head banging today

dull gray cloudy sky
rain and wind never ending-
winter will not leave

to find who you are
empty all thought from your mind
and see yourself there

the thunder crashes
the storm rages through the night
to dawn clear and bright

wind always the wind
blowing hard across the lake
now and forever

the great blue heron
now stalks his prey in silence
as the wind blows hard

sunlight on bare trees
shows buds ready to open
spring has come again

on the cold still lake
a loon cries out hauntingly
I stop to listen

fog like cold fingers
creeps it’s way along the ground
and then disappears

the wind blows angry
grey blue waves across the lake
to lash the cold shore

statue in water
graceful white egret’s head darts
a small fish dinner

lichens on tree roots
many beautiful colors
wet with the spring rain

wind blown evergreen
loses pine cones to the ground
new trees will begin

snowfall in the air
holds spring back another day
no sun for us yet

snow falls white and wet
winter’s last ravaged death throes
to make way for spring

flickering green light
fireflies play in the field
to light up the night

a flower floating
but on closer inspection
butterfly flying

fluttering movements
taking a dust bath today
a common sparrow